Zoom Acute Derma Soothe

Acute Derma Soothe

$34.00 Regular price
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This soothing, rich, botanical skin repair rich cream is spe­cially for­mu­lated to treat eczema. It contains an abun­dance of revi­tal­iz­ing, beneficial botan­i­cal essences to cor­rect and restore skin to opti­mal con­di­tion. Ease and relieve symp­toms of redness, irritation, and extremely dam­aged skin with an extensive collection of superb essential oils. Extremely effective in healing eczema, surgical incisions, severe skin trauma, burns, dry and weathered skin. 

100% active ingre­di­ents. 100% pure, botan­i­cal, organic.

  • Natural eczema treatment
  • Heals burns from sunburn to radiation burns
  • Anti-inflammatory 
  • Treats dry, rough skin

Lux­u­ri­ous and heal­ing.

Soothing and revi­tal­iz­ing.

Beneficial botan­i­cal essences.

Cor­rects and restores skin to opti­mal con­di­tion.

Raw, irritated, inflamed skin.

Eczema and extremely dam­aged skin.

Surgical incisions and severe skin trauma.

Burns, dry and weathered skin.

Damaged skin due to radiation and laser treatments, sunburn.

Organic aloe bar­baden­sis leaf juice, organic coconut oil, glycerin, emulsifying wax, grapeseed oil, camel­lia, tamanu, sun­flower, pump­kin, macadamia, and rosehip oils. Highest quality essen­tial oils of Corsican helichrysum, sea buckthorn, rosehip seed, evening prim­rose, neroli, frankincense, car­rot seed, chamomile, juniper, berg­amot, gera­nium, laven­der, patchouli, cal­en­dula, ben­zoin, and myrrh.

Acute Derma Soothe

$34.00 Regular price

Customer Reviews

Based on 26 reviews
Sue Cool
Acute Derma Soothe Flower Power

Absolutely the best for calming and healing my eczema which flairs up in dry low humidity weather. I then use nightly to nourish my skin. Truly heaven sent. Thank you.

Denise Guggenheim

Best aromatherapy skin product

Nancy Wader

Acute Derma Soothe is amazing. It clears my eczema.

Annika Derenick
Absolute Gold

This is an incredible product that has quickly become my must have beauty product. There are no substitutions. Trust me, I’ve tried. I use this as my daily moisturizer. I have extremely sensitive skin and this stuff keeps it happy, glowing and free of breakouts and rashes. Even if it didn’t do all of these wonderful things for my skin, I’d likely buy it for its intoxicating scent. It smells gorgeous in a very natural, subtle way. Highly recommend!

Acute Derma Soothe leaves kind of a comfortable velvet finish.

The Acute Derma Soothe leaves kind of a comfortable velvet finish. I am so trained to think that it needs to feel greasy to work. Anyway, the foundation looked better over that than any cream I have been using. I am also applying to my 3yo's chapped skin and it's helped so much!


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